Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I wrote this twice before and both deleted...urrrgh!

I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, well not 100% of course because I'm complicated, BPD, PTSD, and drug abuse haven't been ruled out. I think I have BPD though...The psychiatrist said that it could be a number of different things, yet still prescribed me Seroquel XR. He also gave me a chart to track my moods and what not. I don't know what to think. Basically I spent like an hour with a resident doctor and five minutes with the psychiatrist. Dude was like crazy and I think HE has Bipolar Disorder, he was talking a mile a minute asking me a series of questions one right after the other. Like holy crap slow the eff down and breath: Do you cut yourself? Do you feel depressed? Give a percentage of your depression for last month? Do you feel suicidal? Do often spend a lot of money when you're in a good mood? How would your friends describe your mood? Do you ever feel like harming yourself or others?! YES, OMG YES YOU RIGHT NOW!!!! I was so overwhelmed I dunno.

It was a hell of a day...

I'm starring at the Seroquel 150mg btw (he said take 1/2 - 1/4) wtf isn't that a high dosage for a start. I don't know if I'm going to take this crap or not... I'm detoxing right now and am experiencing crazy nausea and headaches. I dunno if I can handle any new side effects. Did I mention today was the first day of my new class... what a day!

I came back from Toronto today to find my street flooded some main pipe burst leaving me without water, my cell phone was cut off (whole other story effin Bell), and my Internet wasn't working. That was how my day started, not to mention I didn't have the directions to my appointment this morning, no phone to call and no net to google.... lol! When I got there my favourite shoe broke, but I made it there though. When I first got there the beotch behind the counter was like oh ya I cancelled your appointment because you don't reside in the city! I was ready to jump over the counter and rip her hair out, but of course there is jail, so I did the next best thing... cried! HA... It worked because I got in to see the doctor for a bit, but not the psychiatrist and if anyone needed to see a psychiatrist it was me! I'm supposed to call for a follow up appointment in two weeks... That's what they get for cancelling my appointment. Obviously I need it that's why I went to the hospital...idiots!!! I dunno...

Am I the only one who thinks the whole mental health system in this country is SHIT!!! It takes FOREVER to get help and the first thing they wanna do is drug you up, even before you've been diagnosed!!! I don't know how much more I can take....

I started to do my own research and stumbled across Empower by True Hope as a natural way to treat Bipolar Disorder, I also found out that there is a link between nutrition and mental health...

Watch this video and tell me what you think...

Thanks for stopping by....


Hopeful 2day

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