Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Everything sucks today! I feel really nauseous, I have a headache and I miss my ipod dearly. I lost my ipod a few months ago in my shared house! I think someone stole it and it sucks. I had the 16G Purple Nano, my mum actually bought it for me for Xmas in 08 and I am hella sad that I lost it. I had won a 2G shuffle, also purple, at a baby shower. Why couldn't I have lost that one... urrrrrrrrgh!

I also was up until 5am last night for no particular reason, except, I couldn't sleep. I dunno what's wrong with me and not sleeping, but anyways, naturally I slept in for my class, so didn't go again. My head is spinning and I cried a bit today. I dressed up and am lookin fly... but yet I still cry! (hehe that rhymes) My dog is annoying me and so is everything and everyone else. Fuck the world and everyone in it, they are all cum- fuck- shit- dicks.... *sigh*

This is so not helpful... I am gonna try to eat something and walk my dog to school. I'm printing off copies of my mood shit thing and have made my own version of it for myself. I was going to walk with my dog to school to make copies and wanted to bring my ipod, but it won't sync unless I erase it. What a dumb ass concept I want to add one freakin song and can't because my ipod is synced to another itunes. Eff itunes... I never use it because they don't have enough reggae on there for me.... I just zamzar and upload my cds... eeeeeeeeek! I'm really frustrated today. I think it's because I have been procrastinating or not doing my shit and I dunno why. Remember those papers, yea still not done. FML

Anywho, gonna eat some soy milk and strawberries(yes together in a bowl)... Then walk to school

Thanks for stopping by...


Hopeful 2day (is the last m-effin day of my life!)

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